Friday, February 13, 2009

“More Empty Rhetoric At The Expense of Our Children’s Academic Future.”

Our children who attend public school are just as worthy of receiving the type of first class education as children who attend private school. So the glaring discrepancy in the new stimulus package? A reduction in public school funding for improving the infrastructure and the current academic ideology that has failed to "stimulate" our children to not only complete school, attend college, and earn a degree.

Unfortunately, Mayor Nutter has made numerous "promises" that he has failed with consistent regularity to follow through regarding the children of Philadelphia. If he has no problem closing libraries and after school programs, do we really believe he wants to improve public schools for our children?

What we are hearing is the same "empty rhetoric" that we've heard time and time again--"Improve public schools so our children will have a greater chance at a better future."Rhetoric about improving public schools means absolutely nothing unless we are willing to follow through with improving the public school system. The people of Philadelphia are tired of hearing empty promises that are not backed up by a meaningful plan of action.

Best Regards,

Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355

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