Tuesday, September 8, 2009

“Freedom Is Not Free.”

I believe that "freedom is not free."

Countless men, women and yes, children before you and I perished in defense of this precious entity we call "freedom, "so that we and future generations would not be so thoughtless and callous with this gift.

Recently we've witnessed elected officials call President Obama's healthcare proposal to insure every American derogatory names from "Socialist to Nazi Healthcare." We've witnessed town hall meetings turn into violence as the politicians themselves play the lead role as Caligula and Nero.

We are viewing American political pundits blame Winston Churchill, Britain, America, and the allies for WWII that fought against Hitler and the Nazi's crimes against humanity. From Pat Buchanan's perspective, history has treated Hitler unfairly. Many Americans say this is "freedom of expression" for individuals in America.

When religion and hatred unite, it is an unholy alliance. When we murder in the name of pro-choice and pro-life, it is not freedom of expression--its murder! When Americans are dissatisfied with the government because they believe that the government is corrupt, they can change it by the democratic political process of elections, not by threats of secession, anarchy, and chaos while calling it liberty.

In 2009, many Americans believe that we can say and do whatever we want because our freedoms have no barriers. We are misinformed. Even nature has parameters that it will not violate by crossing because if nature did, it would upset the balance of the universe.

Consequently, it is most important that we begin to take a greater responsibility of our freedoms. We must, and most importantly, hold others accountable when they use "freedom of speech" to incite violence. We must be held accountable when we use "freedom of assembly" to parade at peaceful demonstrations armed with guns. We must be held accountable when we use "freedom of religion" to motivate fanatics to perpetrate cold-blooded murder in the name of GOD.

Freedom is not free.

All we have to do is look to America's bloody past.

Best Regards,

Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Cell: 215-715-0355

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