Tuesday, December 30, 2008

“Decade of Uncertainty.”

Jan 1, 2000 to December 31, 2009 should be called the “Decade of Uncertainty.” During the decade, there were many unexpected events that occurred such as the 2000 Presidential election which required the U.S. Supreme Court to decide the outcome, the terrorist attacks on our country during 9/11, the betrayal of the President of the U.S., the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the world economic crisis, and the loss of America’s standing as the world leader.

During the first decade of the 21st century, we witnessed sports heroes like Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, and Michael Vick betray our trust, illiteracy and violence among our youth skyrocketed out of control, “Hurricane Katrina,” the collapse of our infrastructure, genocide and corruption in Africa, the demise of the auto industry and the “bailout” that has not benefitted the poor, the working poor, or middle class Americans.

The Decade of Uncertainty did, however, bring the historical 2008 Presidential campaign where we witnessed the election of the first African American as President of the United States and with it, the chance to call the second decade of the 21st century-- “A Decade of Hope.” The election of Barack Obama showed the world that Americans plan to retake their reputation as a world leader by electing a man who can lead us back to our previous greatness and move ahead to future triumphs. This election has proven America to be a country united during a crisis in spite of diversity of race, religion, or political beliefs. The fact that a man who is a “minority” in our country could be so loved, cherished, and supported by the “majority” of people is the greatest show of “hope” for the start of the new decade.

Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"Obama's Cabinet...The Best Since George Washington's First Cabinet?"

A Presidential historian once said George Washington’s first cabinet of Adams, Vice President; Knox, Secretary of War; Jefferson, Secretary of State; and my personal favorite Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of Treasury and the Father of the Federal Banking system, were the best ever, and all cabinets since were likened to a “pick-up team.”

As I watched with great anticipation of Obama’s assembling of his cabinet, I found it with a mixture of approval and “worried curiosity.” Here is how I grade his choices.

Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State) - This is a wise choice…if not a safe choice. Make no mistake--18 million supporters will always be a deciding factor in the President-elect choosing a cabinet member for this position. Clinton has the experience and is respected by world leaders and will be greatly depended upon in restoring America’s image…which will take at least two terms. Grade: B.

Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense) - Anyone who is/was associated with the Bush administration should not have been chosen for any position in the Obama administration—including the custodial engineer! Although Mr. Gates came much later to the administration and has had differences with Mr. Bush, he still worked for him, and we—America--cannot afford him. Unfortunately, Mr. Gates is guilty by association. America has to clean up its image after a “horrific” Bush administration. Grade: F-

Timothy Geithner (Secretary of Treasury) - Mr. Geithner has an outstanding pedigree as an Economist who gets things done. I would have chosen Paul Krugman, the 2008 Nobel Laureate for Economics, because he thinks “outside the box” of economics. I believe Krugman has a plan that will not only get our country out of the current fiscal crisis--but also provide a “blue print” on how to never repeat the economic mistakes. “Pure Hamilton.” Grade: B+ Arne Duncan (Secretary of Education) - This is a very disappointing pick! Although Mr. Duncan has the experience, he lacks “innovative insight” to repair our country’s inferior schools. My choices would have been Michelle Rhee, Washington, D.C.’s “no nonsense” school superintendent and Linda Darling Hammond whom I believe has the ingenuity, brilliance and capacity that is required to lead the post of Secretary of Education. This post has been occupied by individuals whose knowledge on improving America’s education system is “archaic and slow-witted” at best as attested to by the “No Child Left behind” act. Grade: F

Rick Warren is quite possibly the worst person President-elect Obama could have chosen for the invocation for his inauguration. If Mr. Warren, why not Jeremiah Wright? Father Fleagal? If he is a great supporter of the Gay and Lesbian community, why not invite someone from the religious sector? Grade: F-

President-elect Obama has completed filling his cabinet and he will succeed or fail with them. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and hope that as the new leader of our country, he will be able to inspire the deficiencies of his cabinet members who need to step up to the plate. For those who are already on the plate, hopefully he can inspire them to reach the ceiling. George Washington’s first cabinet will never be duplicated and how could it be? Several of his staff went on to be successful U.S. Presidents. Yes! Adams had his moments of greatness as President.

At best, Obama’s only cabinet member who might become President is Clinton, but that shouldn’t stop the others from trying to achieve a place in history that can mirror the cabinet of Washington and mark their place in American history for generations to come.

Monday, December 22, 2008

“The Bush Legacy…A Failure On All Fronts.”

Remember this time. Write it down! Record it! Because someday we will be able to tell our grand children we witnessed the fall of the American presidency and our standing as the world leader.

We can thank President Bush as the central reason why America may never rise again as the beacon…the light for the rest of the world to model.

Ironically, when the journalist hurled his foot apparel at Mr. Bush, he also hurled them at us--America.

No U.S. President has ever had foot apparel tossed at them in defiance because of their “utter” lack of leadership, compassion and humanity in the world… and from allies mind you. Not even from some of our “worst” presidents such as Nixon, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Millard Fillmore and Warren G. Harding was our elected leader of the free world was so “humiliated.”

President Bush engaged in behavior during his tenure that ranged from weak, lazy, arrogant, vacillating, idiotic and inhumane. A president who took America’s most precious document and one of the world’s most influential, (thanks to the Magna Carta) the U.S. Constitution and used like it was “toilet paper” as he infringed and violated just about every law written for our protection. Mercifully, James Madison (Father of the Constitution) is not alive to witness the “execution.”

In essence, Mr. Bush destroyed in (8) years that took more than 200 years to build that a president is to represent...Strength, Integrity, Humanity, Leadership and Wisdom for its citizens and for the world.

Several years ago a journalist from the ‘Atlantic Journal” wrote an article that called America “the new Roman Empire.” The journalist praised America’s accomplishments and how in just a little over two generations the country is the world leader that other nations look to admire.

What must be noted is when the Roman Empire fell…it never rose again! And when the great scholars studied its fall, the “main” cause of Rome’s demise was not from outside “destructive” influences…it was from within.
Thank you, President Bush.

Monday, December 15, 2008

“The Darkest...Before The Dawn."

We find ourselves frustrated and angry with our elected officials because of their inability to steer our country through one of the worst economic crisis in more than three decades.

I was born in the late 1960’s and was a pre-teen and teen during Ronald Reagan’s Presidency (1980-1988). I find it quit eerie that many Americans today look back “fondly” on those years…I do not!

In1987 alone America faced an economic crisis that many economist compared it to the “Great Depression” of the 1930’s. From 6% unemployment to hundreds of thousands of jobs lost, violence, poverty and the increase of possession and distribution of illegal drugs (“crack”) —we’ve been down this road before dear Philadelphians/Americans.

Recently I received letters from “Phil Abundance” and the Salvation Army requesting donations so that they could provide services to many Philadelphians/Americans in need. And I can tell you—our great country is in need.

It occurred to me that organizations like the aforementioned, for example, need all of our support. In past comments I’ve stressed the need for each and every one of us mobilizing and taking immediate action to strengthen not only our families but also our communities as well because this is one way of taking action…giving. We cannot under any circumstances wait for our elected officials to take action on our behalf because history has shown that charity foundations have always been there to aid our communities through the perilous times when politicians who abuse their power were not.

Give whatever you can…but give.

I know that this is our darkest hour…but the dawn is coming. It’s coming!

Friday, December 12, 2008

"But At What Cost?"

My fellow Philadelphians/Americans,

I am no supporter of O.J., but is the sentence of 33yrs. in prison justice or “payback”?

This guilty verdict was thirteen years in the making, and our judicial system was vigorous in its efforts in putting Mr. Simpson behind bars. Imagine the world if we were as vigilant in capturing Bin Laden, ending poverty, illiteracy, racism, domestic and child abuse, violence, torture, curing cancer and HIV/AIDS.

Let’s be candid--O.J. did not help his cause either from writing a book about the double homicide of his wife and Ronald Goldman (that was not published because of public outrage) to what seemed like his everyday run-ins with the law. Clearly, there is plenty of blame to dole out.

In closing this sad and tragic chapter in America, O.J. Simpson finally goes to prison. It took more than ten years and millions of dollars at the expense of taxpayers. You can also be assured he’s going to do all 33 years before he tastes freedom again, but at what cost to the American Justice System? Was he guilty of his most recent crime that warranted the aforementioned length of time in prison or for being exonerated for his past transgressions?

Not only was O.J. Simpson on trial, but so was our justice system!

Monday, December 8, 2008


It is time that we finally address the great crisis of our society--the obliteration of our education system.

Do we still not get it? Education is paramount to a thriving society and without it, chaos and anarchy reins. I am a Philadelphian who attended public school in what many call the “urban community.”

I was fortunate to be taught by “great educators.” What we have now are incompetent teachers, with their unions, principals and school administrations destroying what’s left of the education system.

To be fair, Dr. Ackerman, the new CEO of the Philadelphia Public Schools, has a track record of getting results such as increasing the number of students graduating from high school and test scores. Michelle Rhee, who is currently featured in TIME Magazine (“How To Fix America’s Schools” December 8, 2008) as Washington, D.C.’s new “no nonsense” school superintendent, and the one with the “prescription” to fixing America’s public schools, are cut from the same mold in their passion (bordering on zealot) that every child receives the very best education and “zero tolerance” for excuses on why this objective was not accomplished.

Since Dr. Ackerman’s hiring in 2008, she has met with some resistance from those (i.e. incompetent teachers, their unions, principals and school administration) who refuse to change for the better. Not only must we support Dr. Ackerman, we must also hold her accountable.

I’ll be candid! In the United States we are losing our children, youth, and adolescents to violence, incarceration, drugs, illiteracy, and sexual promiscuity. Are we now ready for drastic measures to be implemented to stop the “bleeding”?

In our current economic recession (I believe it’s an “economic depression”), the idealist in me believes that we will survive, rise, and overcome it. But what about the children, youth and adolescents who will become adults someday? If they are not prepared to be leaders and productive citizens in society, when another world crisis arises, how will they be prepared to address it? Without a major overhaul of the current education system in our city, our children of today who will be our adults of tomorrow will be ill equipped to face the challenges that this new decade has ushered in.

Monday, December 1, 2008

"Are We On The Same Page?"

Even before the economic collapse of 2008, there were more American children that were going hungry in than in the past ten years.

Recently, the Department of Agriculture reported that because of financial instability, more than 312,000 households cut back on food for children in 2007, up from 221,000 in 2006. The federal government expects 2008 to paint an even “grimmer” picture.

There are $30 million Americans on food stamps--1 in 10 Americans…African Americans, Caucasians, Latinos, Asians and Native American are recipients. A $700 billion dollar bailout that’s proven to be ineffective, 1 million Americans have lost their jobs, (and counting), two wars, an education system for the world to mock and finally…a President who by far is the worst in U.S. history (James Buchannon the 15th President was considered the worst until George W. Bush) stands pat and does nothing to stop the spiraling downhill disasters.

Enough already! Perhaps we are asking too much from our so-called leaders in our city, state, and country. It is time for you, me, and anyone else who’s exhausted about the state of our economy, education, the healthcare system, and families to start creating opportunities in our communities.

Folks, the days of marching in the streets demanding change is over! We can no longer hold onto the “dogmas of the past.” Those who came before us did this with the hope that we build upon the foundation--not build on the foundation. Action, action, action will be the motivating force to move our communities in a new direction.

Before his death, a young reporter asked Frederick Douglas what should be done to continue to progress? Douglas said “Agitate, agitate, agitate.”

Lets’ begin to move in the same direction…all of our futures depend upon it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"The Rebirth of the Great Society."

President-elect Obama has done a “masterful” job appointing some of the best fiscal savvy minded individuals to his cabinet to combat America’s economic collapse. The President-elect and his staff are creating a stimulus package that will address the country’s much needed improvement of our infrastructure from the following:


And what I believe equally important in addition to the aforementioned improvements is–an overhaul of our current banking system.

Alexander Hamilton (“The Father” of the America’s Banking System) would be “disgusted” with the current system.

What is absolutely clear is the initiatives proposed by President-elect Obama will not be a “quick fix” to America’s current crisis, but the President-elect is heading in the right direction of addressing the issues with "sound judgment."

From a local perspective, Mayor Nutter and the rest of Philadelphia’s city officials will need to cooperate in implementing the initiatives during this transition period if they are to improve our city’s “grim” and unstable “economy.”

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Get Your House In Order."

If it’s your goal to obtain employment in the Obama Administration, you’d better get ready to make your entire life public knowledge.

To avoid scandal and embarrassment in his administration, President-elect Obama would like to know as much about the prospective employee as possible ranging from past and present parking tickets, employee to family affiliations, to donations ($10,000.00) made over the last (10 years) and beyond.

Now citizens, past Presidents created similar questionnaires to screen prospective cabinet/administration members. What President-elect Obama has done is strengthened the criteria where now there are no “loop holes.”

Yep! A new sheriff has come to town!

If Philadelphia’s politician’s followed this prescription, perhaps they would not be riddled with scandal and corruption on a daily basis. Further, the citizens need to interview all would-be-public office holders. Whatever new initiatives that can be implemented to combat corruption among our city officials must be done ASAP! Our city’s future depends upon it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"Wait A Minute."

On January 20, 2009 we will officially welcome Barrack Obama as the 44th President of the United States and with this “a new vision of hope.” Remember, this is America’s leader on the federal level. What can we expect from our city officials (i.e. city council, mayor, state representatives, etc.) and most important, what are you going to do to come up with solutions to a host of problems that Philadelphia is facing?

Do not expect all is well because a new President will enter the White House next year. President elect Obama is one person! If you think he’s just going to open up that federal bank and just pass out money like it grows on trees, you are sadly mistaken. There is a great deal of work that our own city’s infrastructure that requires addressing.

There are problems such as:

* Budget cuts to jobs and social programs (220 jobs, 11 libraries, 62 community swimming pools, after school programs, recreation and curfew centers)

* Dilapidated houses/buildings (3-6 “per” urban block/neighborhood in Philadelphia)

* An increase in violent activities among “gangs” “clicks,” “teams,” “squad,” in urban communities in Philadelphia/ Philadelphia Public School System

* Poverty (42% of Philadelphians)

* Education (6th straight year Philadelphia Public School System failed to make AYP), and 48% of our youth dropping out of school before graduation

* Crime (roughly 5-8 murders every weekend)

* Homelessness (over 6,500 families, adults, children)

I was also informed that the (4) remaining “Curfew Centers” will officially close on December 31, 2008 leading to an increase of children, youth, and adolescents violating the city’s curfew ordinance and thereby, increasing crime (i.e. robbery, vandalism, murder).

What I would like to see is more Philadelphians empowered to be self-sufficient and stop "leaning" on the local, state and federal governments for support.

This great city has been run by politicians for decades and what have they done for Philadelphia? They have been arrogant, corrupt, weak, and lack leadership to say the very least. So I say, lets’ stop depending on politicians to fix our communities and repair them ourselves. Let’s empower our neighbors to pull themselves up by their own "bootstraps," but ensure sure that they have the boots strings to be successful.

Citizens, I am an individual who adores his beautiful city and country. I am an individual who believes that “good” will always triumph over “evil” and that we all have within us the ability to listen to the “better angels of our souls” and do what is right. What am I? I am an Idealist!

When our politicians fail us as they have done time and time again, it’s easy not to go out and vote. However, if you don’t vote…you don’t count. My ancestors and your ancestors DIED so that we would always have the right to vote. So if you don’t care for yourself…care for their sacrifice and vote! When you vote, you send a message to those politicians who think it’s a birthright to be elected and not serve the constituents with honor and integrity by making them a “one-term elected officer.” If you’re not satisfied with this option…then you run for a political office. Until we hold public office seekers/holders accountable for their actions, chaos and failure will reign.

Handouts and mediocrity must not be accepted in our society! For people who aspire to work and provide for their families, city, and country, opportunities for advancement should be endless. But for those who believe that they should receive handouts and be rewarded for “mediocrity and laziness,” then let the rest of society “remember them "no more because they are a virus on humankind.”

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Calling All Philadelphians."

President-elect Barack Obama has informed Americans that these are difficult economic times. There were over 1 million jobs lost in 2008 throughout the nation. And now the mayor of Philadelphia (the city I call home) announced during his public budget address to the city on November 6, 2008 that more than 220 jobs would be cut, 11 public libraries, 62 of 73 public swimming pools will be closed and a host of other social services that our city “unquestionably” needs.

In Mayor Nutter’s public address, by his own admission, Philadelphians learned that in his February 2008 budget address that he warned “the national economy was sputtering, storm clouds were visible in the distance, and tax collections were slowing down.”

What was Mayor Nutter and his fiscal team doing in February, March, April, May, June, July, August (you get the idea)--to advert this crisis? President-elect Obama has been straight with the American people when he said “the hill will be steep and sacrifices will have to be made.” Unfortunately, Mayor Nutter has not! During his recent budget address he mentioned that the cities of New York and Los Angeles were experiencing the same fiscal issues. The truth is, Mayor Nutter, much of the country is experiencing the same problems. Therefore, Philadelphians do not require a historical perspective on the financial crisis of America. What we needed was a clear, concise and stable financial plan from our mayor and city council that should already be in place to assist many Philadelphians (this writer included) who will now be sacrificing more than we can possibly fathom. Unfortunately, Mayor Nutter and city council have failed to do so…again.

My fellow Philadelphian/Americans, the time has come that we must “actively” support our communities by creating ways to ensure that our families and neighbors have the basic needs for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. “Our” government does not need to tell us how difficult the times are because…we, the people, are the government. Therefore, we must pull our resources and support one another. This is not about Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Socialists, and Communists. This is about the human spirit.

As a founder of a non-profit, grass-root organization, I call upon like organizations, community activists, and block captains to come together, partner and create strategies to serve all Philadelphians. I have no doubt that the aforementioned groups have already been providing services but in this uncertain hour, we must be united and heading in the same direction.

I am inviting you to join me in this monumental undertaking of providing our community with the resources that have traditionally been limited, but now will be drained due to economic crunches. By uniting together and developing a plan of action, we can no doubt weather the financial challenges that will affect our deserving community in the days and months ahead. Mayor Nutter may have no viable answers, but we as a community can actively help ourselves and protect our citizens.