Let's acknowledge that racism is alive and well, but let's not allow racism to flourish as it once did in America.
Let us also acknowledge that racists, bigots, and the ignorant will remain in the darkness of their souls because it is there where they find peace. But what the rest of America must not allow is this virus to spread among the rest of the population.
Individuals like Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Sean Hannity, to name a few, are the “Santa Clauses of poisonous rhetoric.” In fact, they are the modern day Joseph McCarthy, a senator who in the 1950's branded just about every American citizen a communist. From politicians, CE0's to Howdy Doody, no one was immune from McCarthy’s venomous communist fear mongering. And because of the ignorance and fear of the people who listened to McCarthy, people's lives, families, and careers were ruined forever for no reason at all. Most of the accusations were based on lies that the public was anxious to buy into based on the fear this politician incited.
Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, and Hannity represent what is wrong with America in the sense that if they cannot win a debate candidly, honestly, and based upon facts, then they lie, smear, and are deceitful.
Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, and Hannity are the “pied pipers of verbal vomit” and play to those Americans that share their ideology. They are equal opportunist in their racist, bigoted, and ignorant rhetoric though, because it’s just not African Americans that they attack. They also blame Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, Asian Americans, and Latino Americans for the country’s problems and whom they believe are not “true Americans” in the first place--whatever the definition of a “true American“ is suppose to represent.The rest of America must simply denounce these mad men for their views and exhaust little energy on their behavior.
Our country is facing a fierce healthcare debate, high unemployment, scarce academic resources for our youth and adolescents to excel in a global economy, while our involvement in Afghanistan looks as if it will stretch to the next century, climate change, and a host of other issues. We cannot waste precious time on individuals whose purpose it is to divide America instead of uniting America!
Consequently, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, and Hannity are not truth seekers of integrity, fairness, and balance in America. What they seek is fear which leads to chaos, anarchy, and intolerance to divide Americans and have the audacity to call it “patriotism.”
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
"We Can Be the Outcome"
We hold these truths to be self-evident, and how evident it is.
First, the alarming increase of youth and adolescents dropping out of school, secondly, the catastrophic rise of crime among our youth because there is a lack of quality after school programs available, and third, the rise of crime that has engulfed our communities.
All of this is occurring in Philadelphia, specifically in the Juniata Park section of Philadelphia’s 42nd Ward & 180th District.
The residents of Juniata Park have spoken and agree that we want a brighter future for our children. As a Block Captain and a resident, I too want a brighter future for our children and a “crime free community.” In the Juniata Park section of Philadelphia, we cannot continue down the destructive path that we currently are traveling.
For this reason, I am officially announcing my candidacy for State Representative for the 42nd Ward & 180th District in 2010.
For far too long our communities have and continue to endure “quick fix” initiatives that have provided limited results, and in the process, our children and community have suffered immensely.
As State Representative my objectives are clear. I want to create solid initiatives to keep youth and adolescents attending school, achieving academic excellence, and graduating so they can move on to higher education or employment. My goal is to build and strengthen effective and quality after school programs that provide youth and adolescents with positive alternatives that will produce productive and successful citizens in our communities and globally. Finally, I want to address and eliminate the increasing crime and violence in our communities through initiatives that will produce immediate and long-lasting results.
Starting today, I ask that you join me in building a coalition of communities that will address the future of our youth, adolescents, and our community at large through additional programs that will improve a quality way of life for all of us.
Starting today, I humbly ask that you support and participate in my candidacy for State Representative for the 42nd Ward & 180th District in 2010 because together, we will be the outcome. I promise you that if you give me your support, I will do everything humanly possible to turn the tide of our neighborhood so that we can be role models to our youth by showing them that we care enough to devote our time to make a difference in their futures. This isn't about politics at all--this is about human caring at its best.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Candidate for State Representative for 42nd Ward & 180th District
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
First, the alarming increase of youth and adolescents dropping out of school, secondly, the catastrophic rise of crime among our youth because there is a lack of quality after school programs available, and third, the rise of crime that has engulfed our communities.
All of this is occurring in Philadelphia, specifically in the Juniata Park section of Philadelphia’s 42nd Ward & 180th District.
The residents of Juniata Park have spoken and agree that we want a brighter future for our children. As a Block Captain and a resident, I too want a brighter future for our children and a “crime free community.” In the Juniata Park section of Philadelphia, we cannot continue down the destructive path that we currently are traveling.
For this reason, I am officially announcing my candidacy for State Representative for the 42nd Ward & 180th District in 2010.
For far too long our communities have and continue to endure “quick fix” initiatives that have provided limited results, and in the process, our children and community have suffered immensely.
As State Representative my objectives are clear. I want to create solid initiatives to keep youth and adolescents attending school, achieving academic excellence, and graduating so they can move on to higher education or employment. My goal is to build and strengthen effective and quality after school programs that provide youth and adolescents with positive alternatives that will produce productive and successful citizens in our communities and globally. Finally, I want to address and eliminate the increasing crime and violence in our communities through initiatives that will produce immediate and long-lasting results.
Starting today, I ask that you join me in building a coalition of communities that will address the future of our youth, adolescents, and our community at large through additional programs that will improve a quality way of life for all of us.
Starting today, I humbly ask that you support and participate in my candidacy for State Representative for the 42nd Ward & 180th District in 2010 because together, we will be the outcome. I promise you that if you give me your support, I will do everything humanly possible to turn the tide of our neighborhood so that we can be role models to our youth by showing them that we care enough to devote our time to make a difference in their futures. This isn't about politics at all--this is about human caring at its best.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Candidate for State Representative for 42nd Ward & 180th District
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Thursday, September 17, 2009
“Open Letter to My Dissatisfied American Citizen.”
Let me tell you, my dissatisfied American citizen, that after the countless lives lost of Americans, the financial ruin of the republic, and single-handedly embolden the country’s enemies to attack America as we engage in a second Civil War, you may overthrow the government and/or secede from the Union. But I doubt it.
Like America’s first Civil War, there are citizens willing to fight and die for the preservation of the country. You seek anarchy, chaos, and violence instead of civility, peace and participating in the electoral process that has kept America from destroying itself for more than 100 years.
Still, I find it interesting that the last President’s administration participated in some of the worst political corruption to date, violated the Constitution, the very document that you are prepared to “water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots,” but you never marched on Washington to voice your disdain with his administration and the government to hold them accountable for their acts of treason। This is the same former President that called Americans “unpatriotic” if they spoke out against the war he lied about to thrust America in. The President that in 8 years never caught Bin Laden, the architect of the terrorist attack on America, the President that catastrophically widened the gap between America’s wealthy and poor, allowed more illegal aliens to enter America without penalty than his predecessors, the President that created only 5 million jobs in 8 years, (one of the lowest creation of jobs in history by a President that served two-terms) violated the Geneva Convention, disgraced America in the eyes of its allies, and the President the created the “NCLB’ (No Child Left Behind) education policies that as a result our youth are academically “impotent” and in fact, left our children behind when compared to Finland, Sweden, and China’s youth for example. And you’re calling President Obama a fascist?
You support the notion that President Obama has policies that Hitler and the Nazi party would support and state he is racist towards Caucasians। Fact is more than 40% of his administration is Jewish and more than 70% are Caucasian. Also, Hitler hated Jews and systematically murdered 6 million men, women and children. You then contradict yourself by stating “Hitler was right.” What was this “scourge of civilization” correct about my dissatisfied American citizen? That killing 6 million men, women and children was justified?
You say that President Obama is a Muslim and terrorist। President Obama is not a Muslim, but if he was--so what of it? Do you believe that a Muslim couldn’t be President of the United States? There are Muslims that have died and are still dying, in the defense of liberty for America and around the world, and you’re inferring that ALL Muslims are terrorists?
You can no more likened President Obama to Hitler than you can liken Rush Limbaugh to Dr। Martin Luther King Jr. What is the real reason for your discourse?
You are willing to tear America apart over healthcare reform? The road you are traveling on will assail you no victory because your reasoning for wanting to overthrow the government and/or secede is misguided and completely wrong।
You have embraced hate which we are all capable of when you should be embracing love which is the better of the two। You seek to destroy because of single-minded ideology, when you should desire peaceful collaboration in addressing your disdain. You are being influenced by some senators, members of congress, radio and TV political pundits that will not be standing side-by-side with you if this “bloody affair” in America occurs because they’ll be hiding in their bunkers.
After fathers, sons, mothers, and daughters have annihilated each other, after the once mighty United States is no more than a third world country, after America’s powerful allies have faded from memory, and when those that survive cannot remember why war was waged in the first place, and finally, after you my dissatisfied citizen “water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots,” you may overthrow the government and/or secede from the Union।
But I doubt it।
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Like America’s first Civil War, there are citizens willing to fight and die for the preservation of the country. You seek anarchy, chaos, and violence instead of civility, peace and participating in the electoral process that has kept America from destroying itself for more than 100 years.
Still, I find it interesting that the last President’s administration participated in some of the worst political corruption to date, violated the Constitution, the very document that you are prepared to “water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots,” but you never marched on Washington to voice your disdain with his administration and the government to hold them accountable for their acts of treason। This is the same former President that called Americans “unpatriotic” if they spoke out against the war he lied about to thrust America in. The President that in 8 years never caught Bin Laden, the architect of the terrorist attack on America, the President that catastrophically widened the gap between America’s wealthy and poor, allowed more illegal aliens to enter America without penalty than his predecessors, the President that created only 5 million jobs in 8 years, (one of the lowest creation of jobs in history by a President that served two-terms) violated the Geneva Convention, disgraced America in the eyes of its allies, and the President the created the “NCLB’ (No Child Left Behind) education policies that as a result our youth are academically “impotent” and in fact, left our children behind when compared to Finland, Sweden, and China’s youth for example. And you’re calling President Obama a fascist?
You support the notion that President Obama has policies that Hitler and the Nazi party would support and state he is racist towards Caucasians। Fact is more than 40% of his administration is Jewish and more than 70% are Caucasian. Also, Hitler hated Jews and systematically murdered 6 million men, women and children. You then contradict yourself by stating “Hitler was right.” What was this “scourge of civilization” correct about my dissatisfied American citizen? That killing 6 million men, women and children was justified?
You say that President Obama is a Muslim and terrorist। President Obama is not a Muslim, but if he was--so what of it? Do you believe that a Muslim couldn’t be President of the United States? There are Muslims that have died and are still dying, in the defense of liberty for America and around the world, and you’re inferring that ALL Muslims are terrorists?
You can no more likened President Obama to Hitler than you can liken Rush Limbaugh to Dr। Martin Luther King Jr. What is the real reason for your discourse?
You are willing to tear America apart over healthcare reform? The road you are traveling on will assail you no victory because your reasoning for wanting to overthrow the government and/or secede is misguided and completely wrong।
You have embraced hate which we are all capable of when you should be embracing love which is the better of the two। You seek to destroy because of single-minded ideology, when you should desire peaceful collaboration in addressing your disdain. You are being influenced by some senators, members of congress, radio and TV political pundits that will not be standing side-by-side with you if this “bloody affair” in America occurs because they’ll be hiding in their bunkers.
After fathers, sons, mothers, and daughters have annihilated each other, after the once mighty United States is no more than a third world country, after America’s powerful allies have faded from memory, and when those that survive cannot remember why war was waged in the first place, and finally, after you my dissatisfied citizen “water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots,” you may overthrow the government and/or secede from the Union।
But I doubt it।
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
“Freedom Is Not Free.”
I believe that "freedom is not free."
Countless men, women and yes, children before you and I perished in defense of this precious entity we call "freedom, "so that we and future generations would not be so thoughtless and callous with this gift.
Recently we've witnessed elected officials call President Obama's healthcare proposal to insure every American derogatory names from "Socialist to Nazi Healthcare." We've witnessed town hall meetings turn into violence as the politicians themselves play the lead role as Caligula and Nero.
We are viewing American political pundits blame Winston Churchill, Britain, America, and the allies for WWII that fought against Hitler and the Nazi's crimes against humanity. From Pat Buchanan's perspective, history has treated Hitler unfairly. Many Americans say this is "freedom of expression" for individuals in America.
When religion and hatred unite, it is an unholy alliance. When we murder in the name of pro-choice and pro-life, it is not freedom of expression--its murder! When Americans are dissatisfied with the government because they believe that the government is corrupt, they can change it by the democratic political process of elections, not by threats of secession, anarchy, and chaos while calling it liberty.
In 2009, many Americans believe that we can say and do whatever we want because our freedoms have no barriers. We are misinformed. Even nature has parameters that it will not violate by crossing because if nature did, it would upset the balance of the universe.
Consequently, it is most important that we begin to take a greater responsibility of our freedoms. We must, and most importantly, hold others accountable when they use "freedom of speech" to incite violence. We must be held accountable when we use "freedom of assembly" to parade at peaceful demonstrations armed with guns. We must be held accountable when we use "freedom of religion" to motivate fanatics to perpetrate cold-blooded murder in the name of GOD.
Freedom is not free.
All we have to do is look to America's bloody past.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Cell: 215-715-0355
Countless men, women and yes, children before you and I perished in defense of this precious entity we call "freedom, "so that we and future generations would not be so thoughtless and callous with this gift.
Recently we've witnessed elected officials call President Obama's healthcare proposal to insure every American derogatory names from "Socialist to Nazi Healthcare." We've witnessed town hall meetings turn into violence as the politicians themselves play the lead role as Caligula and Nero.
We are viewing American political pundits blame Winston Churchill, Britain, America, and the allies for WWII that fought against Hitler and the Nazi's crimes against humanity. From Pat Buchanan's perspective, history has treated Hitler unfairly. Many Americans say this is "freedom of expression" for individuals in America.
When religion and hatred unite, it is an unholy alliance. When we murder in the name of pro-choice and pro-life, it is not freedom of expression--its murder! When Americans are dissatisfied with the government because they believe that the government is corrupt, they can change it by the democratic political process of elections, not by threats of secession, anarchy, and chaos while calling it liberty.
In 2009, many Americans believe that we can say and do whatever we want because our freedoms have no barriers. We are misinformed. Even nature has parameters that it will not violate by crossing because if nature did, it would upset the balance of the universe.
Consequently, it is most important that we begin to take a greater responsibility of our freedoms. We must, and most importantly, hold others accountable when they use "freedom of speech" to incite violence. We must be held accountable when we use "freedom of assembly" to parade at peaceful demonstrations armed with guns. We must be held accountable when we use "freedom of religion" to motivate fanatics to perpetrate cold-blooded murder in the name of GOD.
Freedom is not free.
All we have to do is look to America's bloody past.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Cell: 215-715-0355
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"Fumo for All Seasons!"
Mr. Fumo exemplifies exactly what is wrong with America today by showcasing politicians who are prone to greed, corruption, and arrogance. Mr. Fumo was elected by the people to serve the people, but decided through his actions that the people didn't matter.
Mr. Fumo "gleefully" took the trust of his constituents and the City, and he destroyed it with such expediency and ferocity that Charles Darwin would have been astonished.
At this crucial hour in which Philadelphians need elected officials who possess integrity, wisdom, and moral fortitude, Mr. Fumo clearly shows us that he does not have a clue about those necessary qualities.
Mr. Fumo is not only guilty of abusing the law, but also of betraying all Philadelphians. Our elected officials need to hear the message loud and clear that they are NOT above the law. Once they start making their own rules and ignoring the laws they were sworn to uphold, they are criminals of the worst kind because they have taken the trust of the people and abused it for their own personal gain and power.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
Mr. Fumo "gleefully" took the trust of his constituents and the City, and he destroyed it with such expediency and ferocity that Charles Darwin would have been astonished.
At this crucial hour in which Philadelphians need elected officials who possess integrity, wisdom, and moral fortitude, Mr. Fumo clearly shows us that he does not have a clue about those necessary qualities.
Mr. Fumo is not only guilty of abusing the law, but also of betraying all Philadelphians. Our elected officials need to hear the message loud and clear that they are NOT above the law. Once they start making their own rules and ignoring the laws they were sworn to uphold, they are criminals of the worst kind because they have taken the trust of the people and abused it for their own personal gain and power.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
“What We Should Have Learned”
What did we learn from President Obama’s address to the nation? What we should have learned is that a “quick fix” for a “quick profit” will lead to decades of catastrophic decay to America’s economy, its infrastructure, health care, the environment, and education.
What we should have learned is that we must break away from the “dogmas” of the past where it is still believed that tax cuts would stimulate the economy, senior citizens didn’t need social security, health care didn’t need to be reformed, and America’s schools were adequate and our children prepared to compete in 21st century’s global economy.
What we should have learned from President Obama’s address is that tax cuts will not stimulate America’s economy, senior citizens do need social security, Medicaid and Medicare, health care must be reformed so that all Americans are insured, America’s schools infrastructure is inadequate, and children are ill-prepared to compete in 21st century’s global economy.
What we should have learned from President Obama’s address is that Americans of every ethnicity, religious, and political ideology will undoubtedly play a significant role in defining America’s future.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
What we should have learned is that we must break away from the “dogmas” of the past where it is still believed that tax cuts would stimulate the economy, senior citizens didn’t need social security, health care didn’t need to be reformed, and America’s schools were adequate and our children prepared to compete in 21st century’s global economy.
What we should have learned from President Obama’s address is that tax cuts will not stimulate America’s economy, senior citizens do need social security, Medicaid and Medicare, health care must be reformed so that all Americans are insured, America’s schools infrastructure is inadequate, and children are ill-prepared to compete in 21st century’s global economy.
What we should have learned from President Obama’s address is that Americans of every ethnicity, religious, and political ideology will undoubtedly play a significant role in defining America’s future.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
Friday, February 13, 2009
“Say It Ain’t So…A-Rod!”
What is unfortunate is that outing Alex Rodriguez, the New York Yankees top-paid player also known as A-Rod, as a steroid user merely highlighted the "Dark Side" of our souls--the fans.
It cannot be oversimplified that baseball fans have always known that many of the professional modern players were/are "juiced" and are willing--quite willing to accept it.
From 1998 to the present, MLB (Major League Baseball) records that stood for more than a century are now being shattered during a one-calendar baseball season. Many of us were not around or too young when the “Giants” of baseball played the great American pastime without steroids. These were players like Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Christy Mathewson, Ty Cobb, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle, and Reggie Jackson. And so fans felt "cheated" that they had no great players to call their own. And in that desperation they turned to a darkness that wasn’t fully understood and that darkness was “steroids!”
A-Rod said he used steroids at the start of the 21st century because of the “pressure” he was under when he’s signed a 10yr. $245 million dollar contract with his former team, the Texas Rangers. His goal was to show the baseball world that he was worth every penny, but in the end, A-Rod decided that being one of the elite baseball players wasn’t enough! A-Rod needed to be the best in baseball but at what cost?
Let us begin to turn our attention to addressing steroids prevention to our youth and adolescents who are striving to be “great athletes” and not the “superficial athlete” in their respected sport.
They deserve a chance to be great without the juice.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
It cannot be oversimplified that baseball fans have always known that many of the professional modern players were/are "juiced" and are willing--quite willing to accept it.
From 1998 to the present, MLB (Major League Baseball) records that stood for more than a century are now being shattered during a one-calendar baseball season. Many of us were not around or too young when the “Giants” of baseball played the great American pastime without steroids. These were players like Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Christy Mathewson, Ty Cobb, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle, and Reggie Jackson. And so fans felt "cheated" that they had no great players to call their own. And in that desperation they turned to a darkness that wasn’t fully understood and that darkness was “steroids!”
A-Rod said he used steroids at the start of the 21st century because of the “pressure” he was under when he’s signed a 10yr. $245 million dollar contract with his former team, the Texas Rangers. His goal was to show the baseball world that he was worth every penny, but in the end, A-Rod decided that being one of the elite baseball players wasn’t enough! A-Rod needed to be the best in baseball but at what cost?
Let us begin to turn our attention to addressing steroids prevention to our youth and adolescents who are striving to be “great athletes” and not the “superficial athlete” in their respected sport.
They deserve a chance to be great without the juice.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
“More Empty Rhetoric At The Expense of Our Children’s Academic Future.”
Our children who attend public school are just as worthy of receiving the type of first class education as children who attend private school. So the glaring discrepancy in the new stimulus package? A reduction in public school funding for improving the infrastructure and the current academic ideology that has failed to "stimulate" our children to not only complete school, attend college, and earn a degree.
Unfortunately, Mayor Nutter has made numerous "promises" that he has failed with consistent regularity to follow through regarding the children of Philadelphia. If he has no problem closing libraries and after school programs, do we really believe he wants to improve public schools for our children?
What we are hearing is the same "empty rhetoric" that we've heard time and time again--"Improve public schools so our children will have a greater chance at a better future."Rhetoric about improving public schools means absolutely nothing unless we are willing to follow through with improving the public school system. The people of Philadelphia are tired of hearing empty promises that are not backed up by a meaningful plan of action.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
Unfortunately, Mayor Nutter has made numerous "promises" that he has failed with consistent regularity to follow through regarding the children of Philadelphia. If he has no problem closing libraries and after school programs, do we really believe he wants to improve public schools for our children?
What we are hearing is the same "empty rhetoric" that we've heard time and time again--"Improve public schools so our children will have a greater chance at a better future."Rhetoric about improving public schools means absolutely nothing unless we are willing to follow through with improving the public school system. The people of Philadelphia are tired of hearing empty promises that are not backed up by a meaningful plan of action.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
“If Only They Were In Charge of America!”
When listening to Abraham Lincoln's party, the Republicans, talk about the fiscal depression America is gripping with and how bad President Obama's stimulus packet is for the country while their stimulus package is in fact good for America, I think to myself, if only they were in charge of America!
The Republican Party voted "No" to the stimulus plan; lam basted the TARP Bail out to the banks, and automotive industry, and then supported it. I think to myself--If only they were in charge of America!The Republican Party say they want a bipartisan government in which Democrats and Republicans work closely to ensure efficient, effective, and transparent government for America. And yet, the Republican Party goes on to block or delays most of President Obama's nominees for cabinet posts just for the heck of it. I think to myself--If only they were in charge of America!
The Republican Party say that America would be a better country if they were in charge because they would provide good paying jobs with excellent wages, provide health care for every American, improve public schools, regulate the banking system, and prosecute elected officials who would destroy the Constitution, spy on law-abiding American citizens, and torture. Ah Yes! If only they were in charge of America!--Wait a minute!
Didn't the Republican Party collectively, control the House, Senate, the Presidency and the Supreme Court for 15yrs.?
Was it not the Republican Party who didn't regulate Wall Street and allowed the "sharks" to steal America's "working poor" savings to purchase jets and other toys for the wealthy?
Was it not the Republican Party who allowed the auto industry to continue to build cars with 20th century ideology instead of creating 21 century, fuel efficient and ecologically friendly vehicles?
Was it not the Republican Party who implemented the "No Child Left Behind" initiative despite indisputable data that it is a failure?
The Republican Party--the party of Abraham Lincoln--If only they were in charge of America!
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
The Republican Party voted "No" to the stimulus plan; lam basted the TARP Bail out to the banks, and automotive industry, and then supported it. I think to myself--If only they were in charge of America!The Republican Party say they want a bipartisan government in which Democrats and Republicans work closely to ensure efficient, effective, and transparent government for America. And yet, the Republican Party goes on to block or delays most of President Obama's nominees for cabinet posts just for the heck of it. I think to myself--If only they were in charge of America!
The Republican Party say that America would be a better country if they were in charge because they would provide good paying jobs with excellent wages, provide health care for every American, improve public schools, regulate the banking system, and prosecute elected officials who would destroy the Constitution, spy on law-abiding American citizens, and torture. Ah Yes! If only they were in charge of America!--Wait a minute!
Didn't the Republican Party collectively, control the House, Senate, the Presidency and the Supreme Court for 15yrs.?
Was it not the Republican Party who didn't regulate Wall Street and allowed the "sharks" to steal America's "working poor" savings to purchase jets and other toys for the wealthy?
Was it not the Republican Party who allowed the auto industry to continue to build cars with 20th century ideology instead of creating 21 century, fuel efficient and ecologically friendly vehicles?
Was it not the Republican Party who implemented the "No Child Left Behind" initiative despite indisputable data that it is a failure?
The Republican Party--the party of Abraham Lincoln--If only they were in charge of America!
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Author
Founder & CEO
Dream Field Academy
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Office: 215-744-1773
Cell: 215-715-0355
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
“The Preamble...According to George W. Bush.”
We the People…”We” meaning Me, Myself and I of the United States, in order to form a more “Dictatorial Union,” established injustice, ensured domestic chaos in which I lied, cheated, stole, tortured, and spied on the very people I was supposed to serve. I provided for me and my cronies’ defense by bankrupting America, promoted general warfare on the poor, homeless, hungry, weak, sick and defenseless Americans I was supposed to protect, and secured the blessings and liberty to me, my cronies, as well as special interest groups such as Wall Street and my own posterity. I did ordain and establish this George W. Bush Doctrine for the United States of America.
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson
Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
"Too Much Power for the Mayor."
Mr. Nutter is incorrect in challenging the ruling that he needs Philadelphia City Council approval to close the city's libraries.
Without checks and balances in place, Mr. Nutter will cut/close every social service and education program in the city.
Does the mayor have more power than the President, Congress or the U.S. Supreme Court? The last I checked our country is guided by the "checks and balance" system provided by the U.S. Constitution which-- also pertains to elected officials in Philadelphia.
We must begin to review and re-write Philadelphia’s governmental laws the provide the mayor with "too much power." We have unfortunately, witnessed what happens on a national level when one abuses the power of the office of the President of the U.S.
Conversely, the best that could happen if Mr. Nutter loses the "power" to close city owned buildings is that he will no longer have autonomy to dismantle Philadelphia and future mayor's will know that the power of the mayor's office is not absolute--nor is it infinite!
Best Regards,
Without checks and balances in place, Mr. Nutter will cut/close every social service and education program in the city.
Does the mayor have more power than the President, Congress or the U.S. Supreme Court? The last I checked our country is guided by the "checks and balance" system provided by the U.S. Constitution which-- also pertains to elected officials in Philadelphia.
We must begin to review and re-write Philadelphia’s governmental laws the provide the mayor with "too much power." We have unfortunately, witnessed what happens on a national level when one abuses the power of the office of the President of the U.S.
Conversely, the best that could happen if Mr. Nutter loses the "power" to close city owned buildings is that he will no longer have autonomy to dismantle Philadelphia and future mayor's will know that the power of the mayor's office is not absolute--nor is it infinite!
Best Regards,
"What Should Israel Do?"
When the Hamas believe that their very existence predicates on the destruction of Jews--what should Israel do? When Hamas teach their children to "hate" Jews..what should Israel do?
When Hamas think Adolph Hitler was wrong--because he did not finish the job of eradicating the Jews in Europe...what should Israel do? When Hamas murder innocent civilians and consider it collateral damage--what should Israel do? When the rest of the world criticizes Israel for defending itself from tyranny and terrorist attacks--what should Israel do?
When a group decides that their very existence predicates on the "obliteration" of Native Americans, Latin Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans and Caucasians...what would you do?
Best Regards,
When Hamas think Adolph Hitler was wrong--because he did not finish the job of eradicating the Jews in Europe...what should Israel do? When Hamas murder innocent civilians and consider it collateral damage--what should Israel do? When the rest of the world criticizes Israel for defending itself from tyranny and terrorist attacks--what should Israel do?
When a group decides that their very existence predicates on the "obliteration" of Native Americans, Latin Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans and Caucasians...what would you do?
Best Regards,
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