Monday, September 21, 2009

"We Can Be the Outcome"

We hold these truths to be self-evident, and how evident it is.

First, the alarming increase of youth and adolescents dropping out of school, secondly, the catastrophic rise of crime among our youth because there is a lack of quality after school programs available, and third, the rise of crime that has engulfed our communities.

All of this is occurring in Philadelphia, specifically in the Juniata Park section of Philadelphia’s 42nd Ward & 180th District.

The residents of Juniata Park have spoken and agree that we want a brighter future for our children. As a Block Captain and a resident, I too want a brighter future for our children and a “crime free community.” In the Juniata Park section of Philadelphia, we cannot continue down the destructive path that we currently are traveling.

For this reason, I am officially announcing my candidacy for State Representative for the 42nd Ward & 180th District in 2010.

For far too long our communities have and continue to endure “quick fix” initiatives that have provided limited results, and in the process, our children and community have suffered immensely.

As State Representative my objectives are clear. I want to create solid initiatives to keep youth and adolescents attending school, achieving academic excellence, and graduating so they can move on to higher education or employment. My goal is to build and strengthen effective and quality after school programs that provide youth and adolescents with positive alternatives that will produce productive and successful citizens in our communities and globally. Finally, I want to address and eliminate the increasing crime and violence in our communities through initiatives that will produce immediate and long-lasting results.

Starting today, I ask that you join me in building a coalition of communities that will address the future of our youth, adolescents, and our community at large through additional programs that will improve a quality way of life for all of us.

Starting today, I humbly ask that you support and participate in my candidacy for State Representative for the 42nd Ward & 180th District in 2010 because together, we will be the outcome. I promise you that if you give me your support, I will do everything humanly possible to turn the tide of our neighborhood so that we can be role models to our youth by showing them that we care enough to devote our time to make a difference in their futures. This isn't about politics at all--this is about human caring at its best.

Best Regards,
Anthony P. Johnson, Candidate for State Representative for 42nd Ward & 180th District
647 East Raymond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19120

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go ahead wicha BAD self. Good Job Anthony hope you WIN